SSG Blog
Insights and news from the SQL Solutions Group.
Tuesday Morning: SSG is “the cream of the crop.”
Tuesday Morning began in 1974 as a purveyor of excess inventory across numerous categories. Find out how SSG helped with their SQL Server needs.
How To: Configure Read-Only Routing for Availability Groups
At SSG, we work with Always On availability groups (AGs) every day. Most of our clients who have implemented AGs need the high availability that
T-SQL Anti-Patterns: SQL User Defined Functions (UDFs) that turn your set operation into a cursor
One of the things we see as consultants are consistent patterns of behavior by T-SQL developers that cause big performance problems. I call these anti-patterns.
SQL Server Management Studio vs. Azure Data Studio
The other day I opened SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) on my laptop. It had been some time since I had opened it (typically I
Skill Up or Give Up: Azure Data Studio or Bust
One of the things I have found over the years is that it is easy to get into a rut and do things “the way
Enabling SQL Server Always Encrypted
Overview There are times when you must protect and secure data within SQL Server . SQL Server Always Encrypted is a feature which helps protect sensitive data,