SSG Blog
Insights and news from the SQL Solutions Group.
There’s something about GUIDs
There is a popular practice among developers to use globally unique identifiers (GUIDs) as primary keys. At first glance, it seems like a great solution.
The Strategic Role of the DBA
I’m the non-technical marketing guy at SSG. In order to help the team actually market our services, I’ve had to educate myself a little…okay, a
How to improve SQL Server’s IO performance by up to 40%
In my last article, I started off talking about checking various settings that make a performance difference prior to jumping into query tuning. This article
ArithAbort and SQL Agent Failures
A mystery staring arithabort. I was coding along one day, working on rolling out some monitoring for a client—monitoring that I had used for previous
Moving Databases to New Drives: A Real-world Case Study Involving 120 Databases
Moving databases is a common enough task for the DBA, and there are multiple ways to move physical database files from one drive to another.