Tag: #SQLTraining

An Experiment with Deadlocks
Everything can be fixed with a query hint (*cough* directive), right? If a certain process is consistently causing deadlocks, a simple

Defaults In msdb Database
Today is a day to discuss defaults. It started with the day being TSQL Tuesday and having a topic of

XE Output: Weaning yourself off of SQL Profiler, Part 2
In my last post, I shared a script that will take a running trace and show you the XE events

Check for Errors First, Part III: The Windows Event Logs
In Part I of Check for Errors First, we discovered how to query the error logs, and filter out the noise

Weaning yourself off of SQL Profiler (Part 1)
In this brave, new world of Extended Events (XE, XEvents), I find myself with a mixture of scripts for troubleshooting

Recently a friend by the name of Chris Bell (blog | twitter) wrote about an easy way to disrupt SQL

Northwestern Management: “We haven’t had any other issues with performance, which translates into revenue”
Northwestern Management

The Interview Trick Question
Today, I am diverging from the more technical posts that I routinely share. Instead, as the title suggests, I want

Quick Permissions Audit
Whether it is for a client, an audit, or just for good housekeeping, DBAs will often need to figure out