Headed to Houston

database real-time data processing streaming data integration

Next stop on the SQL Saturday tour is Houston. This will be my third week in a row of travel and as much as I love the SQL Community, I will be ready for a couple of weekends to myself before Phoenix. I am presenting just one session at this event. Visual Studio 2010 Database Projects. I will be covering using VS 2010 to manage database DDL/DML code, sync to databases, projects, source control, etc. This functionality was previously known as Data Dude and in VS 2008 required a separate version of Visual Studio. In 2010 you just have to have Premium or Ultimate.

Coincidentally, I have started working with RedGate’s SQL Source Control product as well. I have a client who is on an older version of VS 2008 without the capabilities and wanted to look at RedGate. So it has been interesting comparing the two products and their approach. I can definitely see a place for both of them. After I have worked with RedGate a bit longer, I will likely blog about my view of the differences and strengths/weaknesses of each product.

See you in Houston!

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