A new MVP on the team: TJay Belt recognized by Microsoft

TJay Belt
TJay Belt

Last week we recognized Jason Brimhall for being named a SQL Server MVP. This week, it’s TJay Belt‘s turn. TJay is the third SSG consultant we would like to recognize for his achievement of this honor.

To reiterate our sentiment from last week,  when a consultant is busy with community ventures, there is seldom any recognition for it.  There is no reward other than the personal growth and friendships that are formed. On rare occasion there is some recognition. This recognition might come from a vendor, community member, event organizer, or even from the product in which the consultant is primarily entrenched. Vendors and software manufacturers view this as evangelizing their product. Sometimes they like it and do like to show a little appreciation with public recognition for efforts made.

TJay earned this honor because he is exceptionally active in the SQL community. He founded the PASS SQL Server user group in Utah County, and serves as a Chapter Leader and a Regional Mentor for PASS. He is frequently involved with SQLSaturday events, and he co-authored Pro SQL Server 2012 Practices.

You can discover more about TJay on our Team page as well as from his personal blog.

Congratulations, TJay!

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