SQL Solutions Group’s 5th Anniversary FreeCon

In honor of SQL Solutions Group turning five years old, the four MCMs at SSG recently conducted a day of free training for the SQL community. Due to the many meetings going on Tuesday in conjunction with the PASS Summit, attendees were coming and going all day long.

Freecon attendees

The day started off with Ben Miller talking about PowerShell.

Jason Brimhall of SQL Solutions Group
Ben Miller discusses PowerShell

Next up, SSG founder Randy Knight addressed Isolation Levels, Locking, and Deadlocking.

Following Randy, my subject was SQL Injection, Referential Integrity (including optimizations that SQL Server can make when referential integrity is in place), and demonstrating the performance aspects of the various types of functions.

Jason Brimhall concluded the day with the topic of Extended Events.

As one attendee shared, “Great presentations! I learned a lot. Especially that NOLOCK is bad!”

Jason Brimhall of SQL Solutions Group

At the end of the day, SSG gave away some prizes. Kevin Barnett and Delfin Esposo each walked away with a copy of the book SQL Server T-SQL Recipes, co-authored by SSG MCMs Jason Brimhall and me. James Rzepka won the coveted year of Amazon Prime/Amazon Fire tablet combo.

All of us at SQL Solutions Group had a wonderful time doing this FreeCon, and we hope that we can make this an annual event.

Pictures are courtesy of Slava Murygin (@SlavaSQL), who spent the entire week running around taking pictures of everything SQL related during this week of the PASS Summit. He described our FreeCon as a “world class SQL learning event.” Thanks, Slava!

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