SQL Server Events & Webinars
December Webinar: Migrate Flawlessly with SQL Server DMA
A DBA-level look at how to detect and address database migration issues with the Data Migration Assistant. The Data Migration Assistant (DMA) helps you upgrade
November Webinar: The Ins and Outs of Securing SQL Server Traffic
We frequently hear of an enterprise-size business being hacked, data being stolen, or data being exploited. Data security has always been important, but it should
October Webinar: Nightmare on NOLOCK Street
Randy Knight—SSG Founder and Primary Consultant, and a Microsoft Certified Master—demonstrates what you are really doing to your data when using this hint and how
SQLSaturday #978 Los Angeles–Sponsored by SSG
SQL Solutions Group is proud to be a Silver sponsor of the Los Angeles SQLSaturday event on June 13. We also look forward to speaking
SQLSaturday #938 Redmond–Sponsored by SSG
SQL Solutions Group is proud to be a Silver sponsor of the Redmond SQLSaturday event on April 25. We also look forward to speaking at
SQLSaturday #965 Orange County–Randy Knight, Sara Ament, Steve Rezhener; Sponsored by SSG
SQL Solutions Group is a Silver-level Sponsor of the Orange County SQLSaturday, hosted on April 18, 2020. Additionally, Randy Knight, Founder and Principal Consultant, and Steve Rezhener,